Sunday, September 26, 2010

My personal Amirul Asyraf now im studying at KPTM Kuantan.In the short time i want to take the time to talk about myself.I was born in 25th Jun 1990 in Hospital Tengku Nur Zaharah Kuala Terengganu.I am the oldest of four siblings.As my eldest son is responsible to provide the best example to my siblings and I want to dream of giving back to my mother and wanted to perform hajj with her.My father was gone when im in form 5.I was very sad and especially my mom.I want to replace the my father to give responsible to my lovely family.Lastly,i want to take our time to story about myself in long time in this blog.Thanks.

Salam Aidilfitri

Hari Raya Aidilfitri falls on 1 Syawal on Hijriyah the Islamic Calendar. Futhermore,Hari Raya is not same with Krismas in every year. This is a  activity that on the every of raya celebrations, family members, especially mothers and housewives will be busy preparing food, cakes, sweets,ketupat rendang, biscuits and various delicious to be served on the day of Hari Raya. Delicious food  such as ketupat or dodol and sate are among the most famous food by muslim that are served during this day. Other family members will help in other part such as cooking and cleaning up the house. But now, most of the delicious food can be found easily at shopping malls or stalls.Meanwhile, on the eve night of Hari Raya, Muslims will recite the takbir, which is held in mosques and surau. In some communities, there will be congregations reciting the takbir from house to house.


What is Culture?I will defined about culture.Culture is something that a person learns from his family and surroundings and is not growth in him from birth.Even if a person is brought up in a culture different from that in which he was born. It is also not a hidden fact that some people feel the need to follow the beliefs and traditions of their own culture, even though they might be not subscribing to certain ideologies within.Although each community has a special culture, there are certain elements of culture that is freedom. They are known as the universal culture in which there are certain characteristics and behaviors shared by all cultures around the world. For example, blood relationships and marriages, to distinguish between good and bad, has some of the terms of the use of jewelry, a group of people by sex and age.For example between Malays and Chinese culture is in terms of manners and means of communication among themselves. Malay culture can be very rude of Chinese culture in terms of appearance and adab.The culuture Malay to be view decreased from the time of the ancestors of attitudes and communication in a polite manner.

My ambition

My ambition is to be a teacher because the teacher is the catalyst for success to everyone . The teacher can make us become successful and have a future. People who choose teaching as a teacher is very lucky because they can get the blessings of allah.Futhermore, the future of the younger generation depends on the education they receive. Teachers guide them in various steps.Other than that,unlike work in other places such as police, architecture and more. Teacher is also a patient with a  children they educate. teachers are also respected by everyone. Teachers to lead exemplary lives for reasons like this I want to be guru.thanks


Non verbal is a non-spoken context within which all face to face communication takes place. Every conscious or subconscious behavior in presence of another is suffused with meaning without which all verbal communication would be ambigous. Non-verbal communication includes pitch, speed,tone and volume of voice, gestures and facial expressions, body posture, stance, and proximity to the listener, eye movements and contact, and dress and appereance. Research suggests that only 5 percent effect is produced by the spoken word, 45 percent by the tone, inflexion, and other elements of voice, and 50 percent by body language, movements, eye contact, etc.
Other than,Transmission of messages by a medium other than speech or writing.However the study of non – verbal has focused on face to face interaction.Where it can be classified into three principle areas is a environmental conditions where communication takes places.The physical characteristic of the communicators and behaviors of communicators during interaction.


Do we realize the importance of what we do? I have been thinking about this question a great deal lately. I see the amazing technology  developed by the entire industry and I just can't help but wonder.Do we realize also how important we are to the world economy? I am far from an economist but I know that when productivity improves so does the standard of living and few technologies have allowed productivity to skyrocket. We take it for granted but software allows me to communicate with my coworkers and family more effectively than ever before. I am connected when I want to be and on my own terms.The mobile phone too has changed the way we live. I remember a time when you were in a car and running late for an appointment  there was no way to call to let the other party know of your tardiness. Now your cell phone can not only let you call but it gives you turn by turn directions and allows you to surf the web, send email.