Sunday, September 26, 2010

Salam Aidilfitri

Hari Raya Aidilfitri falls on 1 Syawal on Hijriyah the Islamic Calendar. Futhermore,Hari Raya is not same with Krismas in every year. This is a  activity that on the every of raya celebrations, family members, especially mothers and housewives will be busy preparing food, cakes, sweets,ketupat rendang, biscuits and various delicious to be served on the day of Hari Raya. Delicious food  such as ketupat or dodol and sate are among the most famous food by muslim that are served during this day. Other family members will help in other part such as cooking and cleaning up the house. But now, most of the delicious food can be found easily at shopping malls or stalls.Meanwhile, on the eve night of Hari Raya, Muslims will recite the takbir, which is held in mosques and surau. In some communities, there will be congregations reciting the takbir from house to house.

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